Friday, November 6, 2009

Cheaper health care without higher taxes

The problem with the government trying to "fix" healthcare is that it's the government that broke it in the first place. And they are trying to fix it by doing more of what they did to break it.

It's true that many Americans can't find affordable health insurance. But it's largely because of government-imposed barriers that keep the cost of insurance so high.

Here are a few ways we can provide lower-cost insurance without raising taxes:

1) Allow the purchase of health insurance across state lines. According to the University of Minnesota, 12 million more Americans would be able to buy coverage if this simple solution was enacted. Excessive state regulations artificially increase the cost of health insurance by requiring companies to provide coverage for such things as fertility treatments and massage therapy. Let's allow people to shop for the coverage they really need!

2) Let people take the cash their employer uses to purchase health care and shop for a plan on their own. Currently, employer-provided health insurance is not taxed. But if you opt out of your employer-provided coverage and shop for your own, you pay for it with after-tax dollars. If people could shop for the best deals, insurance companies would be forced to innovate and control costs (or lose market share to companies that do).

Those two ideas are just a start. They wouldn't cost a dime and would allow lower costs for those who have health insurance, and would allow more people to afford insurance.

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