Monday, March 1, 2010

Al Gore says global warming causes snowstorms

Al Gore has published an op-ed in the New York Times claiming that the record-setting snowstorms in February were caused by global warming. "...scientists have long pointed out that warmer global temperatures have been increasing the rate of evaporation from the oceans, putting significantly more moisture into the atmosphere — thus causing heavier downfalls of both rain and snow..."

So global warming causes increased rainfall. Got it.

But wait... what happened to the prediction that global warming would cause less rainfall?

Global warming to cause massive drought

"Global warming is predicted to be the cause of a massive drought that will threaten the lives of millions and take over half the land surface on our planet in the next 100 years, according to Britain's leading climatologists."

So if we have a massive drought, then that's what the theory predicted; but if we have increased precipitation, that's also what the theory predicted. No matter what happens, the proponents of the theory claim they predicted it.

That's not how science works. Science is based on the idea of theories that are falsifiable. A theory that cannot be proven wrong under any circumstances is, by definition, not a scientific theory. It's a religion.

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